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Zur Kasse

1815 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1 von 20.

Challenges for Agricultural Research

Oecd Publishing
Challenges for Agricultural Research
As the world has changed during the past 50 years, so has agriculture. And so has agricultural research, which continues to confront new challenges, from food security to ecological concerns to land use issues. Indeed, as Guy Paillotin, the former president of the French National Institute for Agricultural Research (INRA) has noted, agricultural research "has reached new heights in biology and is exploring other disciplines. It is forever chan...

CHF 176.00

Sustainable Management of Water Resources in Agriculture

Oecd Publishing
Sustainable Management of Water Resources in Agriculture
Agriculture is the major user of water in most countries. It also faces the enormous challenge of producing almost 50% more food by 2030 and doubling production by 2050. This will likely need to be achieved with less water, mainly because of growing pressures from urbanisation, industrialisation and climate change. In this context, it will be important in future for farmers to receive the right signals to increase water use efficiency and impr...

CHF 56.90

OECD Reviews of Regulatory Reform Regulatory Policies in ...

Oecd Publishing
OECD Reviews of Regulatory Reform Regulatory Policies in OECD Countries: From Interventionism to Regulatory Governance
In the past 20 years, few reforms of the public sector have received more attention, and stimulated more controversy, than the reforms made to regulation making and regulatory management. The rise of regulatory policies -explicit policies aimed at continuously improving the quality of the regulatory environment -- shows how early notions of "deregulation" or "cutting red tape" quickly gave way to a central "good governance" notion. This notion...

CHF 100.00

Les impôts sur les salaires 2009

Oecd Publishing
Les impôts sur les salaires 2009
Les impôts sur les salaires fournissent des données sans équivalent sur l'impôt sur le revenu versé par les salariés et sur les cotisations de sécurité sociales qui s'appliquent sur les salariés et les employeurs dans les pays de l'OCDE. Cette publication annuelle précise également quelles prestations sont payées en espèces aux familles. Les montants des impôts et des prestations y sont détaillés pour huit types de ménages représentatifs dont ...

CHF 257.00

PISA Résultats du PISA 2009: Élèves en ligne: Technologie...

Oecd Publishing
PISA Résultats du PISA 2009: Élèves en ligne: Technologies numériques et performance (Volume VI)
Les élèves sont-ils bien préparés à relever les défis que l'avenir leur réserve ? Sont-ils capables d'analyser, de raisonner et de communiquer leurs idées de manière probante ? Ont-ils découvert la nature des objectifs qu'ils poursuivront leur vie durant en tant que membres productifs de l'économie et de la société ? Le Programme international de l'OCDE pour le suivi des acquis des élèves (PISA) cherche à répondre à ces questions au travers de...

CHF 84.00

Permis transférables nationaux et politiques environnemen...

Oecd Publishing
Permis transférables nationaux et politiques environnementales
Pour relever les nombreux défis environnementaux auxquels nous sommes confrontés aujourd'hui, comme par exemple le changement climatique, les pays s'efforcent de développer des instruments de gestion de l'environnement efficaces et efficients au niveau national. Les permis négociables/transférables en sont un exemple. Quels sont les principaux paramètres pour concevoir de tels instruments ? Quelles considérations supplémentaires les responsabl...

CHF 48.50

La Educación Superior y las Regiones: Globalmente Competi...

Oecd Publishing
La Educación Superior y las Regiones: Globalmente Competitivas, Localmente Comprometidas
Pocas instituciones de educación superior enfocan sus estrategias con miras a su contribución al desarrollo de la región en la que se sitúan. Particularmente para las universidades más antiguas o que poseen un marcado perfil investigador, y que se concentran más en su reputación y en la búsqueda del conocimiento, sin considerar su entorno más cercano. Sin embargo, las políticas públicas al respecto han empezado a cambiar. La posición nacional ...

CHF 84.00

Tables rondes FIT Le coût et l'efficacité des mesures vis...

Oecd Publishing
Tables rondes FIT Le coût et l'efficacité des mesures visant à réduire les émissions des véhicules
Les politiques du secteur des transports contribuent déjà à modérer les émissions de gaz à effet de serre des véhicules routiers. Elles sont de plus en plus conçues pour participer aux objectifs sociétaux de lutte contre le changement climatique. Bien que le coût de réduction des émissions soit relativement élevé dans les transports, nombre d'arguments plausibles en faveur de tels abattements voient le jour au sein de ce secteur. La taxation d...

CHF 85.00

Etudes économiques de l'OCDE

Oecd Publishing
Etudes économiques de l'OCDE
L'édition 2008 de l'étude périodique de l'OCDE consacrée à l'économie finlandaise commence par un examen des moyens à la disposition du pays pour tirer le meilleur parti de la mondialisation. Elle analyse les performances économiques récentes de la Finlande, ainsi que les enjeux économique fondamentaux auxquels le pays est confronté : politique fiscale, services municipaux, amélioration du fonctionnement du marché du travail, alignement de la ...

CHF 109.00

Development Centre Studies The Rise of China and India

Oecd Publishing
Development Centre Studies The Rise of China and India
African countries are not simply spectators to the economic rise of China and India, they are party to it. This book demonstrates how the growing economic power of China and India is already influencing the growth patterns of African countries, particularly oil- and commodities-exporting ones. As world prices for commodities rise, producer countries in Africa and throughout the world will gain, but there is more to the story than that. Some Af...

CHF 52.90

Doing Better for Children

Oecd Publishing
Doing Better for Children
The well-being of children is high on the policy agenda across the OECD. But what is the actual state of child well-being today? How much are governments spending on children and are they spending it at the right times? What social and family policies have the most impact during children's earliest years? Is growing up in a single-parent household detrimental to children? Is inequality that persists across generations a threat to child well-be...

CHF 48.50

OECD Economic Surveys

Oecd Publishing
OECD Economic Surveys
OECD's periodic survey of Brazil's economy. This 2009 edition features chapters on looking beyond the economic crisis, reaping the benefits of macroeconomic consolidation, reforming indirect taxes and labour levies, and making government operations more effective.Table of contents Basic Statistics of Brazil (2008 unless otherwise noted)Executive SummaryAssessment and RecommendationsChapter 1. Looking beyond the Global Financial and Economic Cr...

CHF 89.00

Local Economic and Employment Development (LEED) Clusters...

Oecd Publishing
Local Economic and Employment Development (LEED) Clusters, Innovation and Entrepreneurship
This publication explores the success of major innovation and entrepreneurship clusters in OECD countries, the challenges they now face in sustaining their positions and the lessons for other places seeking to build successful clusters. What are the key factors for cluster success? What problems are emerging on the horizon? Which is the appropriate role of the public sector in supporting the expansion of clusters and overcoming the obstacles? ...

CHF 69.00

Education at a Glance 2011

Oecd Publishing
Education at a Glance 2011
Across OECD countries, governments are having to work with shrinking public budgets while designing policies to make education more effective and responsive to growing demand. The 2011 edition of Education at a Glance: OECD Indicators enables countries to see themselves in the light of other countries' performance. It provides a broad array of comparable indicators on education systems and represents the consensus of professional thinking on h...

CHF 119.00

Safety in Road Traffic for Vulnerable Users

Oecd Publishing
Safety in Road Traffic for Vulnerable Users
Between 1997 and 1999 the ECMT issued three reports and three resolutions on safety in road traffic for vulnerable users, namely cyclists, pedestrians and users of two-wheeled motorised vehicles (mopeds and motorcycles). These studies form part of a wider area of review which, in addition to road safety itself, takes into account the demographic trend in ECMT countries - population ageing - and the highly topical issues of mobility, land use p...

CHF 59.00

Taxing Wages 2011

Oecd Publishing
Taxing Wages 2011
Im vergangenen Jahr ist die Steuer- und Abgabenlast auf den Faktor Arbeit in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz leicht gestiegen. Die Länder liegen damit im OECD-Trend: 26 von 34 Mitgliedern der Organisation bürdeten ihren Arbeitnehmern 2011 höhere Gesamtlasten auf als noch 2010. Auch scheint der Trend zu immer niedrigeren Spitzensteuersätzen gestoppt. Die OECD-Studie "Taxing Wages" berechnet die Steuer- und Abgabenlast auf Arbeits...

CHF 286.00

OECD Statistics on International Trade in Services, Volum...

Oecd Publishing
OECD Statistics on International Trade in Services, Volume 2011 Issue 1
This OECD publication includes statistics by detailed type of service on international trade in services for the 34 OECD countries, the European Union and the Euro Area as well as links to definitions and methodological notes. The data are reported within the framework of the fifth and sixth editions of the IMF's Balance of Payments Manual and the Extended Balance of Payments Services Classification (EBOPS), which is consistent with the balanc...

CHF 174.00

OECD Green Growth Studies Compact City Policies

Oecd Publishing
OECD Green Growth Studies Compact City Policies
This book examines the concept of the compact city and the implication of the current urban context for compact city policies. It explores their potential outcomes, particularly in terms of how it can contribute to Green Growth and looks at developing indicators to monitor compact city and track policy performance. It reviews compact city policies currently being implemented across the OECD in relation to the pursuit of Green Growth objectives...

CHF 181.00

Regulatory Impact Analysis

Oecd Publishing
Regulatory Impact Analysis
In an era of competitive global markets and rapid technological change, governments need to improve their understanding of the costs and benefits of regulation. Regulatory impact analysis -- the systematic assessment of positive and negative impacts of regulation and alternatives -- has helped many governments to reduce regulatory costs on businesses, while maximising the effectiveness of government action in protecting public interests. This ...

CHF 122.00